where we come from
that escalated quickly
barderos de la vereda
wir streiken
critical richness
rammstein lösen sich auf
candombe de mucha palo
i was just wondering
meine lieblingsgruppe (feat. torsun)
part of it
mieses stück scheisze
museum of dead people
this is classless
the wandering working class

the fourth release of istari lasterfahrer & classless kulla under their new name clastah. this is going to be a double 12inch release in a triptichon foldout poster cover with some additional gadgets. coming out of the kosmos it brings to you finest beats and words in german, english and argentinian spanish. following their breakcorish background you find electronic music like amenbreaks, junglefavours, dubby modular treatments, cumbia and candombe riddims, pure electro pop, trap grooves, acid gabba and speedcore blastbeats on this release.

the vinyl can now be preordered:

Clastah: Dead Stars – cd

Clastah: Dead Stars – deluxe version





Intro, Andreas Brüning : “Clastahs »Dead Stars« ist eine wilde Achterbahnfahrt durch elektronische Tanzmusik-Stile von Jungle und Highspeed-Breakcore über Baller-Techno, Cumbia, Dancehall, Disco und HipHop bis hin zu Electro-Pop und Punkrock. Die Protagonisten Classless Kulla und Istari Lasterfahrer beweisen nicht nur ihre Begeisterung für Uralt-Synthesizer, elektronische Blast-Beats, verschrobene Sprach-Samples und Field-Recordings, sondern legen zudem in ihren Songtexten eine wohltuend kämpferische Attitüde an den Tag.  
Auf Deutsch, Englisch und Spanisch geht es dort um mangelnde Selbstreflexion, Rassismus, die Antideutschen und Kritik an »derzeitig gängigen linken ideologischen Angeboten«. Passend dazu gibt es eine Coverversion von Ton Steine Scherbens erster, lange verschollener Single »Wir streiken«. Das alles ist mitnichten humorbefreit, davon zeugt unter anderem ein Track über Rammstein, die nach Aufnahmen auf Ketamin ihre Band auflösen, oder das großartig umnebelte Schlussstück, das mit Brustmilchpumpen-Beats, Autotune-Gestreite am Telefon und einer spülenden Waschmaschine bestens unterhält.”

Neues Deutschland, Thomas Blum: “Kommen wir nun vom einen Kleinstlabel zum nächsten, das sich den Namen »Sozialistischer Plattenbau« gegeben hat und dessen Produkte logischerweise schon allein deshalb in dieser Zeitung besprochen zu werden verdient haben: Den linken Schriftsteller Daniel »Classless« Kulla kennt man ja aus dem Internet. Gemeinsam mit dem Breakcore-Musiker Istari Lasterfahrer hat er in der Vergangenheit bereits mehrfach kluge linke Randale mit ordentlich Elektro-Rawumms verschweißt. Jetzt nennen sich die beiden Clastah. Wohin hier politisch die Reise geht, darauf gibt schon das Cover-Artwork einen ersten Hinweis, das die Plattenhüllengestaltung des englischen Anarchopunk-Kollektivs Crass zitiert, das in den 70er und frühen 80er Jahren für seine politische Unbeugsamkeit bekannt war.
Kritische Betrachtung erfahren das sogenannte Deutschlandproblem und der in dessen Zent- rum stehende rassistische Alltag, aber auch das Problem des ausbleibenden Klassenkampfs: »I don’t want pity and recognition / NO! / I want hugs and communism.« Wahrscheinlich bezieht sich die Musikzeitschrift »Intro« auf solche Refrains, wenn sie schreibt, dass das Duo »eine wohl- tuend kämpferische Attitüde an den Tag legt«. Tatsächlich ist die liebevolle Mischung aus politi- scher Agitation, Witz und autonomem Kellerdisco-Rambazamba das Klügste und Beste, was man diese Woche erwerben kann.”


 (aka Stefan Miletic) is producer/beatmaker currently based in Belgrade (Serbia). His music vary from 8bit/dubstep driven dancefloor bangers to easy an melancholic abstract beats, with no sticking to a certain bpm.
After his debut release on Svetlana Industries record label, doing remixes for artist like Demokracy, Miqi o, Hsik, and tunes for compilations (Mad-Hop, Wtf is Swag).
Working on his first solo EP.


Selektor Depender

Selektor Depender
, Founder, programmer & producer from Bassculture Foundation Amsterdam. He is born and raised in an analog roots & culture style. His selection are positive with conscious vibrations and heavy basslines.
His selektor style various for it all depends on the feel of the ‘vibes’..you can expect a refreshing heavy and miscellaneous soundz from roots, reggae, digital steppa & other dub(core) niceness.


One Week: Clastah Dead Stars

In one Week (14.10) DEAD STARS by CLASTAH will be released finaly.

Some Dates with this release:

28.10 9859 Tage Rote Flora
27 jahre Rote Flora Party in Hamburg
Itty Minchesta (Ireland)
Spröde Lippen (Bremen)
Mark Boombastik aka die Großmutter (Hamburg)
Clastah (Hamburg/Osten)
Terrorrythmus (Bremen)
facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/315528835468858/

13.10. “Follow Me To Glitter” Release Party
Midnight Popup Shop on this Concert with Istari Lasterfahrer DJing later.
Gängeviertel Hamburg.
Gladbeck City Bombing
Mark Boombastik
Istari Lasterfaherer (dj).
facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1800874470148458/

20.10 Anti Identitären Aktion Musik
Hamburg Kampnagel by Josha Hendrix Ende with Clastah Djing in the End
facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/304573096586088/
Kampnagel Webpage

Preorder the record at FLIGHT 13 Recordstore or Sozialistischer Plattenbau Mailorder


Soon: CLASTAH: Dead Stars

final-faltcover-druck-pfade.inddhooray! dear marvelous music lovers. happy to announce the next forthcoming release. classless kulla and istari lasterfahrer consolidated again after their debut release years ago, their second one “Wir hatten doch noch was vor” and the last release “Auf & Zustände”, now under their new name CLASTAH.

recordings for this new album went on for the last three years on rare occasions with lots of thinking, traveling, soldering and doubting in fare nebular space systems inbetween. but everything should come to an end, all fuel on the spaceship is burnt, all comets have been hitchhiked, and eating krill and kelp day in and day out is just not really satisfiying; they came back from strolling the kosmos, and so here we go: but you have to wait till it’s finally ready in its materialized form – out in fall 2016 on a double 12inch sized vinyl record!

spb12028: CLASTAH «dead stars» – 2x12inch
A: where we come from / that escalated quickly / barderos de la vereda  / wir streiken
B: critical richness / rammstein lösen sich auf / candombe de mucha palo / i was just wondering
C: meine lieblingsgruppe (feat. torsun) / part of it / mieses stück scheisze / museum of dead people / this is classless
D: the wandering working class / triebwagen

in between you can listen to the last year released video out-take of the song “wir streiken” or this just brand new edited video of one of the tracks of the release:

filmed and edited: 25 April 2016 between 3:30 pm and 1:38 am
pink cap by Anna Kumher


SPB12027: KOSMOKOTZE : Kosmokotze


unbezahlte überschriften
nicht dort
als befreiende moment

after the already sold out kosmokotze on tape, here is his first 12inch vinyl debut release. kosmokotze once more delivered some purely analog electronics with this six tracker.
first track “stechuhr” (timeclock) is a collaboration with istari lasterfahrer, who forged  the original pinged filter sequences with some hyper house beats. “eigenstrukturanalyse” (not there) is a short abstract selfgenerated patch that flips between different time bases. “mittelmeer” (Mediterranean) drifts as a minimal drones piece based on tape echo feedbacks and rare small melodies.
flipside basis of the track “unbezahlte überschriften” (unpayed headlines) is a 44 step sequences that drives a constant morphing pattern into lucid dreaming. “nicht dort” (not there) is another short electronic piece with a chaotic selfgenerating patch and the last track  “als befreiende moment” (as a liberating moment) based on the same modular synth patch as “unbezahlte überschriften” but with other parameters set to the voices and tempi, it bangs happy around just to freeze up after a couple of moments into slow morphing sculpture of itself.

limited to 150 copies. total playtime around 30 minutes, record comes in full color printed cardboard sleave and download code, which include the tracks of kosmokotzes first tape “blau auf gelb das muss nicht sein”.

to be released on 25.9.2015

SPB12026 Grmmsk : One World – Nowhere To Hide

grmmsk_one world-nowhere to hide-2 a
1. nonSENSE
2. coldWEATHER
3. noMORE
4. ismSCHISM
1. PRISONeverywhere
2. OUDOURofdecay
3. CYAANgoback

Coming as transparent vinyl in a screenprinted limited edition of 200 pieces. This release contains 7 tracks by grmmsk from helsinki / finland. stretched in time haunted voices from the caribbian diaspora tumbling through misty and wet streets of baltic shores. drones of wire spring reverbs meet halftimed doom dub. beside unreleased tracks there are some versions of tracks released before on grmmsk own imprint totes format on cassette.

Pressed on transparent vinyl in a hand printed translucent cover, it conceptualizes the album’s title “ONE WORLD – nowhere to hide”. When the idea of UNITY has failed with the result of a world that is increasingly ruled by a hegemony of fear and control, escape into something J.G. Ballard has been calling INNER SPACE, seems imminent. But what happens there? Here’s what: DOOMDUB! Dystopian versions of a sound, that has been associated with glaring sunshine of the caribbean before, is now dragged through the dirty snow flanking the ring-highway circling hellsinki.

One World – Nowhere To Hide released today!

happy to release GRMMSK 12inch ep today. you can order it in the mailorder or at the bandcamp page from us or at his own totstellen bandcamp site (he would be thankfull).

Upcoming TOTSTELLEN live shows:
31.01. Helsinki, Oranssi
Upcoming GRMMSK live shows:
20.02. Hamburg, FSK,
26.02. Oldenburg, Alhambra
27.02. Hamburg, Hörbar
06.03. Berlin, Praxis Party
Please check the link for more detailed info.


Announcing SPB12026

GRMMSK : One World – Nowhere To Hide will be released on 30.1.2015. limited to 200 copies on clear vinyl with unique and numbered screenprint on plasticsheets cover inlay.

Dubcore Volume 10 Release!

Dubcore Volume 10 with Lfo Demon will be released on 7.1.2015 in Berlin at Noiseangriff! there will be Lfo Demon alongside with Rokkon, Ritalin War Dance, Christof Fringeli, fgnugn, Zombieflesheater and Istari Lasterfahrer.

Noiseangriff! is at Lauschangriff
Rigaer Str 103
10247 Berlin

Coming in Fall 2014

Next two releases on sozialistischer plattenbau are nearly in production. there will be another dubcore release and a 12inch mini LP.
Spb12026 will be a 7 tracker release by Grmmsk from nearby helsinki ( at the moment ). be prepared for timeshifted and droning doomstep.the record will cover some refixed versions from his own tape releases on totesformat and some new stuff. for those who want to sneakout what is coming just track down to his website.
Dubcore number 10 will feature two freshing blasting breakcore tunes by none other then the mighty titan lfo demon. be ready!


SPB12025 Istari Lasterfahrer: Walls Cave In On You

1. Walls Cave In
2. Transgression
3. Event Horizon
4. Nymph
1. Hysteresis
2. Fly Home
3. Pourqoui Moi

the mind is collapsing on you, everything falls apart but actually its not the walls which restrict you. at least in most cases not the proverbial. its a structure that makes up a controll for each ones behave. the normative may be exceeded only in behave, the hegemony be attacked only in the situation. the step to the abyss, which allows the prospect, is connected with the slide. each highlight is the beginning of decay. the mayfly begins her live as a nymph. what distinguishes the moment of knowledge about some of the ignorance of the moment before. is the last question for each one: why me?

seven tracks gathered on this release from acid breaks to experimental free jazz electronics, doomdub and yardcore crushing breakcore. record limited to 250 copies, white vinyl, full color cover and A2 poster.

SPB12025 Preview

SPB12025 – Istari Lasterfahrer: Walls Cave In On You – miniLP

release date: 13.06.2014 place to be: praxis meets datacid party, berlin

the mind is collapsing on you, everything falls apart but actually its not the walls which restrict you. at least in most cases not the proverbial. its a structure that makes up a controll for each ones behave. the normative may be exceeded only in behave, the hegemony be attacked only in the situation. the step to the abyss, which allows the prospect, is connected with the slide. each highlight is the beginning of decay.
the mayfly begins her live as a nymph.
what distinguishes the moment of knowledge about some of the ignorance of the moment before. is the last question for each one: why me?

after Inner City Fear, What do you want, Battybwoy Soundboy Massive und Rabbit in Me, this is istari lasterfahrers 5th MiniLP.

get the vinyl record now!

SPB7022: IL BOY : Dubcore Volume 9

Crisis Riddim


dubcore is back, it’s offical. sheduled for late summer 2013 we have a crushing track like ice cubes in a heated back ally. IL BOY is sozialistischer plattenbaus newest signed youngster to drop you speed up footwork stuff. so rudeboys/gals get your boots tighten and ready for the dance.

two versions are materialized here. the west side and the east side. limited to 200 copies for a start.

thats it.


De-Bug, 2.1.2013, Multipara:
“Für die, die sich noch an Kartenspiele erinnern können: sowas nannte man ein Omablatt. Je ein Ass in den Farben Dubstep-Bass und Footwork-Beat, und eine blanke Zehn (damit es für die Genossen spannend bleibt, haben wir nämlich das Ass in der Farbe Frühe-D.A.F.-Sequenz gedrückt, hihi). Der Rest ist Trumpf und heißt Speedhall. Die Reihenfolge ist egal – wie man’s dreht und wendet: läuft durch ohne Gegenwehr. Die Version auf der Rückseite verlegt uns in eine andere Zelle mit gleicher Schrittlänge, die mit Darbouka und Mey ganz subtil frisch nach Morgenland duftet und führt, ohne die Miene zu verziehen, vor, dass das wirklich stimmt mit der Reihenfolge. Neuer Name, alter Hase. Und der Osten währt am längsten!”

Dubcore Volume 9

Dubcore Volume 9 with Il Boy release this friday on bialystok festival in poland. get your copie here.

dubcore is back! offical or not. you got to have it. this time we have youngster il boy with a fresh riddim between dub, juke, speedhall and carnival sound. slashing high-tension springtank claps going to mash up the beat in half time while you bounce to the upspeed dancehall riddim on 208 bpm. the flipside comes with the version, pleasing with shenai riffs. roll it selector. this time handsprayed with white on black paper covers. 200 copies!

New Digital Album: Wreck Session Tapes

on friday the 2.august 2013 istari lasterfahrer was on leipzigs bazzradio session #24 called “society wreck sessions”. on this digital release there are tracks from this collected. some improved session stuff as well as some older unreleased breakcore mashups. more infos here.

SPBDA005 Istari Lasterfahrer: Wreck Session Tapes

1. Exaggerated Usage of Handclaps
2. Bring the Pump Up
3. Plexi Structure Dub 2
4. Bored at Exhibition
5. Holdbreath
6. Complex of Complicity
7. Another Sensless Mashup Track
8. Stresstest
9. Saufgesang der Junggesellen edit 3

these are some of the tracks used for the BAZZRADIO  FRIDAY “SOCIETY WRECKERS” SESSION #24 broadcasted on 2. august 2013. tracks 1,2,4 and 5 were improved live recordings using td-505, ms20, bassline 3, a-100 and zoom1201 and knas moisterizer effects. track 3 is a a-100 patched messed up later with cubase sound to midi converting. track 6, 7 and 8 are old breakcore tracks from 1998, 2007 and 2012 and been done with player pro, cubase and renoise.

SPB12024 Frederik Schikowski: in geordneten Verhältnissen


1. eva und adam 1‘45
2. dorische ordnung 2‘25
3. wunder 3‘27
4. new man 3‘27
5. indicatif the brain 0‘36

1. schlaf- und nerventee 2‘01
2. hausarbeit 1‘16
3. dämmerung 3‘24
4. ich komme aus der jazzecke 2‘09
5. ln 1‘57
6. libero 1‘37

sozialistischer plattenbau is presenting with the brain recordsfrom france ( the label run by puyo puyo ) a 11 track mini LP with Frederik Schikoski. this record was announced 10 years ago, but toke till now to materialize. schikowski is known from his releases on lux nigra, irritant records, a.d.s.r., trakehener, ak duck and esel records. “in geordneten verhältnissen” picks up with the 10inch on esel records “was hat das mit mir zu tun?”.

“this record contains a selection of my music produced during 1999-2002 using a yamaha pss-680. over the course of the last decade diverse labels have wanted to release these tracks – however, due to a series of unfortunate circumstances this never came about. that is why i am delighted that now, after all these years, this 12“ gets to see the light of day. i wish to thank everyone who helped to make this possible, in particular the brain, istari, tim gane, thaddeus herrmann and felix kubin.” frederik schikowski

the brain records & sozialistischer plattenbau as tbr002 & spb12024
370 copies + 60 artist copies
record comes with download code. release date 15.5.2013

De-Bug, Multipara:
“Mein kleines Pony”, unfassbare vierzehn Jahre ist das her, hat mein Leben verändert. Nützt ja nichts, drumherumzureden. Nicht nur meines, wie der Vorgänger zeigte, die 10″-Abschiedsplatte auf James Din A4s Esel, einst benannt nach Mawils Geniestreich der Coverillustration. Alles Geschichte, inklusive der dekadelangen Odyssee, bis diese elf Tracks hier ihr zweifaltiges Zuhause gefunden haben, auf Hamburgs SPB und TheBrain aus Nantes. Jeder einzelne davon bringt das Frühjahr zurück, in dem ich Frederiks einzigartige Trickfilm-Melodien auf dem Minidisc-Player mit mir herumtragen und umhersortieren durfte, euphorisiert von der unschlagbaren Prägnanz, mit der ein simples Yamaha Portasound ein komplettes Kindheitsuniversum wachzuküssen wusste. Und von der Aussicht, diesen Schatz der Welt zeigen zu dürfen. Jedes einzelne dieser elf hier hat nicht nur die Zeitläufte überlebt, sondern klingt so frisch wie am ersten Tag, dreht sich vor uns um die eigene Achse wie Dornröschen, die Arme ausgebreitet, in strahlendem Schwarz, sprudelnd und glasklar. Eine bessere Welt werdet ihr nirgends finden.” 

SPBDA004 Istari Lasterfahrer: i wish i could make you smile some more

1. i wish i could make you smile some more
2. kick your as till you fart
3. fucking up things
4. if i could i would fix it

my little ep for christmas and new year 2012. hope 2012 is more gorgous or whaterver for all of you. the first and the last track is from 2012. the third one is from last year, it was a good moment i was recording it. the second track i cant really remember which year it was done. i just recovered it by random this year playing it on a gig.

Another Nice Mess – Sozialistischer Plattenbau Special

Tomorrow on radio dfm: Another Nice Mess – Sozialistischer Plattenbau Special.

Istari Lasterfahrer interviewed by Marcelle Van Hoof. Last time in Amsterdam on a Nice Saturday Afternnoon in October i was invited by Marcelle to do a 2 hour special about my Label. I Played old and new records from Sozialistischer Plattenbau and other goodies i found in her large discothek.


If you want to grab the archived version go here:

1. Signature tune: Jon E Cash/untitled 2nd track on b-side 12”: Kamikaze (DaBlackops)
2. Istari Lasterfahrer/War Of The Bugs 7”: Monsterous Manouvers In A Mushroom Haze (from 2011, Sozialistischer Plattenbau)
3. Handbag/Abba/Poor People Fed Up With Memories 7”: Dubcore Volume 3 (from 2004, Sozialistischer Plattenbau)
4. Schleim-Keim/In Der Kneipe Zur Trockenen Kehle lp: Sicher Gibt Es Bessere Zeiten Doch Diese War Die Unsere 2. Ex DDR Punk (from 1992, Höhnie Records)
5. The Upsetters/Blackboard Jungle Dub (Ver. 1) lp: Blackboard Jungle Dub (from 1981, Clocktower Records)
6. Istari Lasterfahrer/Remember 12” ep: Innercity Fear (from 2002, Stooped Plastics)
7. DJ I.R./What For 12” ep: We Bomb Fi Dubs # 2 (from 2007, Sozialistischer Plattenbau)
8. Bambam Babylon Bajasch/Handy DJ 12” ep: Finest Brewed Dubplates (from 2007, Sozialistischer Plattenbau)
9. Josef + Gorki Plubakter/Stop! Arretons De Nous Vendre lp: Biometricks (from 2002, Sozialistischer Plattenbau)
10. Classless Kula & Istari Lasterfahrer/I’m Classless lp: Auf- & Zustände (from 2012, Sozialistischer Plattenbau)
11. Istari Lasterfahrer/Government Of Cooperations mini lp: Do You Think / What Do You Want (from 2003, Sprengstoff / Sozialistischer Plattenbau)
12. Selektor Depender & Filtercutter/Misty Dub 12” ep: Dub Carruseles (from 2012, Sozialistischer Plattenbau)
13. Dub1/Trafficante mini lp: Surface Noise (from 2009, Sozialistischer Plattenbau)
14. Pyrolator/Die Hängebrückenbauer lp: Pyrolator’s Wunderland (from 1984, Ata Tak)
15. Abwärts/Mehr lp: Amok Koma (from 1980, Zick Zack Platten)
16. Electric Kettle/Angry Rootsman lp: Faster Ceremony And Ultra Discipline (from 2002, Peaceoff)
17. Dr. Legasto feat. Itty Minchesta/Schnellfickerhose cassette: Demo Dandies # 2. Berlin (from 2012, Wir Rufen Zurück)
18. Stiff Leather & The Fox/Fox And The Stiff cassette: Demo Dandies # 2. Berlin (from 2012, Wir Rufen Zurück)
19. Bruno & Michel Are Smiling & Skipperrr/I’m Gonna Live Till I Die lp: C’Mon (from 2008, Sozialistischer Plattenbau)
20. Itty Minchesta/Blei Pino Silvestre lp: Evergreens From The Walkman Sect (from 2006, Sozialistischer Plattenbau)
21. E. Stonji/Pa Ca 7” (from 2005, Sozialistischer Plattenbau)
22. LXC/Lyzwerk 7” (from 2010, Sozialistischer Plattenbau)
23. Istari Lasterfahrer/Ausdruckstanz Der Jünglinge cd: Himmel, Harsch Und Hirn. Bekannte Ski- Und Bergsteigerlieder (from 2012, Sozialistischer Plattenbau)
24. Karl Marx Stadt/Auf Wiedersehen 2xlp: 1999 – 2009 (from 2011, Sozialistischer Plattenbau)

SPB12022 Selektor Depender & Filtercutter : Dub Carusseles


215 Version
215 FX

Misty Dub
Misty Versions

dub caroussels comes in cooperation with amsterdams bassculture foundation and sozialistischer plattenbau. drops a heavy dub release that sitts between roots dub and dubstep. two tracks with additional dub versions are on this 45 vinyl and been added up with some derivats of the fx sounds from the tracks.

Filtercutter (aka Stefan Miletic) is producer/beatmaker currently based in Belgrade (Serbia). His music vary from 8bit/dubstep driven dancefloor bangers to easy an melancholic abstract beats, with no sticking to a certain bpm.
After his debut release on Svetlana Industries record label, doing remixes for artist like Demokracy, Miqi o, Hsik, and tunes for compilations (Mad-Hop, Wtf is Swag).
Working on his first solo EP.

Selektor Depender, Founder, programmer & producer from Bassculture FoundationAmsterdam. He is born and raised in an analog roots & culture style. His selection are positive with conscious vibrations and heavy basslines.
His selektor style various for it all depends on the feel of the ‘vibes’..you can expect a refreshing heavy and miscellaneous soundz from roots, reggae, digital steppa & other dub(core) niceness.

Due to a lot of Bassculture Programming, Selektor Depender meets a lot of producers and artists. It was around 2009 that Selektor Depender met Filtercutter in Amsterdam.
They decided to work on a project that is called ‘Dub Carusseles’. Working together on soundscapes and rythm’s with the bass as main role. Trying to find a balance between all sounds and clips they put together from all kinds of ‘carriers’; cassettes, mp3, vinyl and sirenebox. This resulted in the ‘rootical’ digidub tracks now released by sozialistischer’plattenbau label.

300 copies has been pressed plus 50 white label promo copies

SPB12022 Selektor Depender & Filltercutter – Dub Carusseles by sozialistischerplattenbau


De-Bug, 2.1.2013, Multipara:
“Manchmal muss ein Roots-Floor in die Umlaufbahn geschossen werden – oder aber eine Dubstep-Party auf den Boden runter. Für beides hat das Hamburger Label, das Dub schon immer gerne mit besonderem Drall versehen hat, sich mit der Amsterdamer Bassculture Foundation und deren Macher Selektor Depender zusammengetan, der hier eine Zusammenarbeit mit dem jungen Belgrader Produzenten Filtercutter vorstellt. Ein perfektes Tool: Zwei Tracks, jeder in einer straighten Version, die man glatt als Radio Edit bezeichnen könnte, dann jeweils die Kür in Form einer lockeren, verspielteren Version und je einen kurzen Effekte-Bonus. Hat die A-Seite mit Extraportion Signaltönen noch die Lockerheit einer Digidub-Spielhalle, pirscht sich die B-Seite durch gefährlicheres Gelände, aber die beiden haben einfach zu viel Melodien im Kopf und Spaß an der Sache, als dass es je ernsthaft finster werden könnte. Das alles im klassischen Dub-Tempo und -Feel – aber frisch und hellwach und mit modernem Bassanstrich. Ein Hit.”

SPB12023 Classless Kulla & Istari Lasterfahrer : Auf- & Zustände

Materie in Bewegung

LSD (Next to the River)
Der Film da Drin
Verschwörung der Gehirne

Red Army Snipper
Es gibt kein Kommunismus weil es
Deutschland gibt
I’m Classless
Production Tide

After the full length cds “Nein, Nein das ist nicht der Kommunismus” and “Wir hatten noch was vor” classless kulla and istari lasterfahrerare now here with their third release in a row. as the previously releases been quite a big weight this release only covers 10 tracks, but this time, instead on digital compact disk it materializes as vinyl record and download.

the main theme of this release is insurrection and mental states or lets say conditions ( the titel translated is something like this in a way ). anyway the record starts up with a amen punk stomper followed by a more idmsk break track with a tripping lead sequence. third track is a wild amen basher also thats leaded by a dirty acid line. the fourth track is more between drum and bass and indy guitar thats slanted into metal or something like that. last tune on side a is a more lecture aural exerimental track where kulla is talking about the conspirity of the brains.
flipside starts with a track that sounds something between punk and orchestral metal, its a song about a red army snipper woman in the second world war. this track is followed by a tune about why there is no communism ( because there is germany ) – kinda electro track. the third one is a funny ska raggae tune about dope smokers and the fourth one classless talks about what is it to be him and what is it not. last track is a duett with oona about the live of working people.

vinyl record comes with full printed cover with lyrics on the backside and download code.

300 copies been pressed.


Spex, 17.10.2012, Ulrich Gutmair:
Komm, wir bauen uns einen eigenen Hardcore. Es sind nur 5,2 Sekunden im Leben eines Menschen, aber es ist eine Ewigkeit für die Menschheit.Gregory Cylvester Coleman, der Neil Armstrong der bemannten Sound- Fahrt, arbeitete als Drummer bei den Winstons. Die nahmen 1969 eine Version von Jester Hairstons »Amen« auf. Colemans Drum-Solo wurde seit seiner Entdeckung durch den New Yorker HipHop immer wieder geloopt. Erst runtergepitcht, dann beschleunigt. Auf seinen vier Takten wurde später von der britischen Hardcore/Breakbeat-Szene ein ganzes Universum aus Tracks errichtet. Unter anderem deren Irrsinn hat classless Kulla und Istari Lasterfahrer nun auf ihrem dritten Album inspiriert.

   Auf- & Zustände erscheint auf Sozialistischer Plattenbau Hamburg und ist als 12”-Vinyl und Download erhältlich. Es startet mit dem tollen »Materie in Bewegung«, das auf einem Amen-Break in die Zukunft surft: »Nichts war schon immer so, nichts wird immer so bleiben«, singt Kulla. Fast die ganze A-Seite geht’s so weiter: Amen-Break, Synthie-Quietsch, Fett-Bass, Lustich-Sample und dazu gelehrte Texte. Später gibt’s auch Acid-Hörspiele und Punksongs. »Red Army Sniper« wurde von Daniel »Classless« Kulla live mit der thüringischen Metal/Punk-Band Die Arschritzen eingespielt, heißt es im Beipackzettel. Es klingt nach Sham 69 auf Metallica.

 Was ist schön? Was geht in Hirn, Bauch und Beine? Was brauchen wir? Kulla und Lasterfahrer haben Hardcore verstanden und bauen sich selber einen: Sound Science, Denken und Fühlen auf experimentell-extremistische Weise betreiben und mit Popmelodien, Popslogans, Popbewusstsein verbinden. Kulla textet über den Sinn fürs Wunderbare, über das Deutschlandproblem, die Verschwörung der Gehirne gegen die Menschen und den Kommunismus. Auf dem Vorgängeralbumhatten Kulla und Lasterfahrer für »Won’t Be Long Till Jungle Drum« den Refrain eines allseits bekannten Popsongs gesampelt und mit ein paar Zeilen der zu Unrecht fast vergessenen amerikanischen Hardcore-Combo NoMeansNo konfrontiert. Jetzt ist es »Production Tide«, das mit Weltklassezitaten spielt, die bastardisiert und von Gastvokalistin Oona mit Kulla im Duett gesungen werden. So werden 99 Prozent der zeitgenössischen Popkonkurrenz lässig deklassiert. Das eine Prozent war schlau und hat Shut Up & Dance gehört.”

De-Bug, 19.12.2012, Multipara
“Was wäre gewesen, wenn die Verbindung aus Punk, Amen-Breaks, Elektronik und politischem Bewusstsein nicht diese unselig kompromisslose Berliner Bürstung auf Krawall erfahren hätte, die so vieles (und viele) auf der Strecke ließ? Vielleicht wäre dann alles wirklich anders gelaufen. Istari und Kulla jedenfalls präsentieren ihren Stil so unverbraucht, wandlungsfähig und mit melodischem Witz, dass man sich die Augen reibt. Pop nannte man sowas früher, als es noch eine Hamburger Schule gab. Kulla oszilliert und reflektiert zwischen Psychedelik und Kommunismus und springt dabei mühelos durch Identitäten und Textgenres, lässt aber alles artifiziell Gestelzte außen vor: Angreifbarkeit als Waffe. Istari packt dazu vom Modularchaos bis zur Bassgitarre alles aus, was sein Arsenal hergibt und bleibt dabei ein ums andre Mal so catchy, dass man das Vinyl immer wieder umdreht, auf dem sogar noch für ein Gastspiel der Arschritzen Platz ist. Ja, Elektroenergie braucht das Land, dann ist auch in Thüringen der Krieg vorbei.”



is a electronic musician from ulm, germany. He has releases on labels like Benbecula, Skam, Spezialmaterial, Phantomnoise, Kitty-Yo and Binary Dilemma (a 2007 release that featured remixes by Planet Mu’s Nautilis and Funckarma). He also got serveral sideproject like hp.stonji together with Hans Platzgumer.



is a side project of Stefan Thränert better known as Inapt dealing with hard experimental electronic music. This project was founded in spring of 2001. He released a couple of track and records under this name on his label Restroom Records.



is Rafael Ferreira & Raul Costa Duarte ( also Retrigger ) from Brasil. They released music on Phantom Noise, Acidsamovar Records and Alphacut.
“Rock and roll fueled breaking machines. Headbanger riddims against 303s on fire. Dirty grooves kicking your head through loudspeakers. We are arrebite and we are gonna kick your fucking ass, mofo!”


Tricky D

Tricky D
has been a breakbeat ambassador since the early 90′s and is one of Berlin’s first underground Jungle DJs and Activists.
Tricky got involved in Berlin’s cult underground club “In Eimer” and met up with Mez. They became members of the first German live Jungle band Elektronauten, when creativity was faster than bureaucracy.
The following years were filled with touring, djing, studio work and releasing music under different names.
In 2001 he opened the Tricky Tunes Record Store @ Mainzer Str 8, 10247 Berlin specialising in Jungle, D ‘n B, Reggae and cutting-edge Breakbeats.
In 2002, he spent some time in Jamaica, where he and Mez did recording sessions with local vocalists, and decided to start their own record label: Tricky Tunes. Their releases have featured many international vocal talents such as Daddy Freddy, Labrador , Lyrical Banton, Por Razones De Estado, Bongo Chilly, Soultrain, Brother Culture,…



Philadelphia’s brazen Dev79 has been bangin’ out the underground sounds for years. With an almost reckless abandon he attacks a barrage of genres (from UKG to Grime to Tropical to Dubstep to Rap and whatever the fuck else) to create his spin on the Street Bass style. Dev79 and Starkey are the masterminds behind the Seclusiasis empire and Street Bass Anthems series, as well as the Slit Jockey Records imprint with partner El Carnicero.
He released music on Sonicterror Recordings, Zenapolae, Slit Jockey Records and Seclusiasis.



( Armin Elsaesser ) is best known for helming the consistently great Deathsucker label, which boasts the scene’s best and most eclectic roster. Head honcho of DSWAT distro, one of the most active online mailorder stores, and a driving force behind the Toxic Dancehall parties in Bristol, UK.
Parasite also makes computer game music having worked on the highly-addictive tower defense game Savage Moon on Playstation3.
Beside his own releases on Death$ucker Records he also released music on Peace Off, Clash Records, Cold-Coffein-Addict Records and more.


Mr. Boogie

Mr.Boogie: started his career in 2003 as a Drum & Bass DJ influenced by artists like the Fullcycle Crew, True Playaz, Twisted Individual and various other Jump Up heads. As part of the former Bassrausch Crew, a collective of DJ’s from Thuringia, he was having performances at diverse parties nationwide.
In 2005, shortly after he moved to Potsdam in the outskirts of Berlin, Boogie came in contact with Grime music. Inspired by the new and fresh sounds, he got motivated to tinker his own suchlike beats and soon focused exclusively on producing Dubstep tunes with his unique monster bass sounds.
Since 2008 he released tracks on various dubstep labels like Scrub A Dub, Police In Helicopter, Sin City Recordings and Bassclash Records.


Bio[me]trick for free

for the tomorrow to be released spb12023 today i have some candy for free. this is the first ,by repogrrl and me, curated vinyl 12inch release from sozialistischer plattenbau in 2002. its a early classic breakcore compilation (even i didn’t know about this “genre” these days). was limited to 500 copies and features people like gorki plubakter, eiterherd, low entropy, alexdee, bruno & michel are smiling and others.

the main issue for this release where the radical growing of security technology, like cctv, biometric systems on airports and gathering of information in the world wide web, after 9/11.

Bambam Babylon Bajasch

Punky ragga junglist crew from cologne, germany. Main founding members where:
Bambam Belay: produces with computer and turntables. plays with samples on stage. already known from the “Eigelstein Royal”.
Desmond Denker : produces with computer and synths. backing his machines on stage. already wanted for “Oliver Twist Band”.
Doc D2N8: sings in anglo-colognian. likes freestyling. plays breakcore music very loud and brews beer. built up by the “Radioactive Toys”.
Luciano Sarotti: sings deep in english. also likes freestyling. flashy by his size. inspired by “I&I sound”.

they also had lots of guest appearences and changing members too.




is Tommy de Roos. Breakcore junglist, dj, electroni music producer and graphic and illustration artist from rotterdam, nNetherlands. He released various records also on labels such Murder Channel Records, Necromaniacs Industry, Hong Kong Violence, Sprengstoff Recordings, Mindbender Records, Clash Records, K-Hole Productions, Sonic Belligeranza, Artcore Recordings, Planet Mu, Zero71 Recordings, and Koolpop.

He also runned orange socks cassette label and latly founded encounter records.


Bruno & Michel are smiling / Skipperrr

The duo Bruno & Michel are smiling & Skipperr been from Hamburg. They did a lot performances with their high tensioned mixture of fast cut-up music, angry screams and a lot of swing all over europe. They are feared for their well choosen costumes and released, beside on sozialistischer plattenbau, music on labels such as disco bruit, renda records, adaadat and uhh records.



Itty Minchesta

The AtomicTitCorporation was founded in 1999 and formerly called ‘Atombusentransporte’. It is an artistic interdisciplinary research project and exists due to interest. We, the constant members Itty Minchesta and Dr. Legasto,have so far focused on a variety of themes including eg.
-how to create space for a very short time
- how to research
- poetological ethnology
- zombiism and self-management
- labour and failure
- sickness/disease and its relation to popculture
- the phenomenon of romanticising containerization / how to fall out of frames – the (abusive) use of headphones in so-called public spheres
- the (im)possibility of subversion
- the sexual history of the atomic bomb
All research projects have been performed live or have been exhibited. We have always tried to choose the appropriate media for each research project which in the process has brought us- especially in the last two years- to mainly using the form of lecture-performances including electronic cutup music. We have published several books, comics, audio works and records and administrate this webarchive.


SPBDA003 Istari Lasterfahrer : Himmel, Harsch und Hirn

1. Eventuallitäts Abhängig 04:41
2. Die erste Bildstörung 05:49
3. Kostenlose Freizeitangebote 04:36
4. Grenzenlos 03:09
5. Ausdruckstanz der Jünglige 02:15
6. Kurzweiliges 02:32
7. Hymnosexuell 02:53
8. Philosophieparkour 03:00
9. My Dub Can’t Move Mountains 03:03
10. Achtung Frisch Gemalt 01:38
11. Spiel mit auf deiner Blockflöte 05:06
12. Erste Stunde der Einsamkeit 04:06
13. Als wär es das erste mal 04:52
14. Ein Austausch findet nicht Statt 03:23
15. Beinahe schon lange her 04:00
16. Geschäftspapierorigami 07:06

Some of my latest experiments. The names just popped off in the last moment as i finalized everything. i enjoy them a lot, hope you too. Pairs well while looking down a mountain. All Music Patched, Sequenced and Played on a Analog EuroModular System expect plus a bunch of breakbeats, a virtual rhode, a casio keyboard and digital delays.
Everything Recorded and Arranged and Montaged on a Computer.


De-Bug, 19.12.2012, Multipara:
“Es kommt nicht ganz so oft vor, dass ein Musiker eine Sammlung neuer Stücke offen als “Experimente” ankündigt. Istari Lasterfahrer, der erst im Sommer mit einer Hommage an zehn Jahre Liveparty-Erfahrungen und -Erlebnissen in so persönlicher wie mitreißender EP-Form sein Label nach einer kleinen Pause reaktiviert hat, legt hier ein Bündel aus sechzehn Stücken nach, die ausprobieren, was sich mit einem Eurorack-Modular-Setup anstellen lässt, nur hier und da unterstützt durch Breakbeat- und Drumsamples, Delays, oder mal einer gespielten Melodie, wenn sich plötzlich ein Bild einstellt. Eine Werkstattplatte. Das muss nicht alles aufgehen, aber immer wieder nimmt der Zoo morphender Klänge und randomisierter Sequenzen wie magnetisiert die äußere Gestalt eines Dub- oder Techno- oder Elektro-Stücks an, nur um dann wieder in den freien Raum zu rollen, zu stolpern, zu purzeln: Überall kann es passieren, dass sich Melodien aggregieren, sich zu kleinen Perlen runden. Man muss nur hinhören.”

SPBCDR009 Istari Lasterfahrer : Himmel, Harsch und Hirn

<div class=”alignright”>

1. Eventuallitäts Abhängig 04:41
2. Die erste Bildstörung 05:49
3. Kostenlose Freizeitangebote 04:36
4. Grenzenlos 03:09
5. Ausdruckstanz der Jünglige 02:15
6. Kurzweiliges 02:32
7. Hymnosexuell 02:53
8. Philosophieparkour 03:00
9. My Dub Can’t Move Mountains 03:03
10. Achtung Frisch Gemalt 01:38
11. Spiel mit auf deiner Blockflöte 05:06
12. Erste Stunde der Einsamkeit 04:06
13. Als wär es das erste mal 04:52
14. Ein Austausch findet nicht Statt 03:23
15. Beinahe schon lange her 04:00
16. Geschäftspapierorigami 07:06

Some of my latest experiments. The names just popped off in the last moment as i finalized everything. i enjoy them a lot, hope you too. Pairs well while looking down a mountain. All Music Patched, Sequenced and Played on a Analog EuroModular System expect plus a bunch of breakbeats, a virtual rhode, a casio keyboard and digital delays.
Everything Recorded and Arranged and Montaged on a Computer.


<a href=”http://de-bug.de/reviews/52472.html”>De-Bug</a>, 19.12.2012, Multipara:
<em>”Es kommt nicht ganz so oft vor, dass ein Musiker eine Sammlung neuer Stücke offen als “Experimente” ankündigt. Istari Lasterfahrer, der erst im Sommer mit einer Hommage an zehn Jahre Liveparty-Erfahrungen und -Erlebnissen in so persönlicher wie mitreißender EP-Form sein Label nach einer kleinen Pause reaktiviert hat, legt hier ein Bündel aus sechzehn Stücken nach, die ausprobieren, was sich mit einem Eurorack-Modular-Setup anstellen lässt, nur hier und da unterstützt durch Breakbeat- und Drumsamples, Delays, oder mal einer gespielten Melodie, wenn sich plötzlich ein Bild einstellt. Eine Werkstattplatte. Das muss nicht alles aufgehen, aber immer wieder nimmt der Zoo morphender Klänge und randomisierter Sequenzen wie magnetisiert die äußere Gestalt eines Dub- oder Techno- oder Elektro-Stücks an, nur um dann wieder in den freien Raum zu rollen, zu stolpern, zu purzeln: Überall kann es passieren, dass sich Melodien aggregieren, sich zu kleinen Perlen runden. Man muss nur hinhören.”</em>

SPB12022 & SPB12023 Announced

it’s late summer in 2012. here some news on releases for october:

Classless Kulla & Istari Lasterfahrer
Auf- & Zustände – LP
to be released on 13th october 2012. the third release by this collaboration duo from berlin/hamburg. classless kulla on the microphone and istari lasterfahrer doing the electronical data workout for the music. this time instead of full weight cds they deliver 10 fine tracks on vinyl longplayer and download.for more information: go here
if you want to preorder this vinyl go here in the mailorder or if you prefere digital download get over here to save you a copy.

SPB12023 Classless Kulla & Istari Lasterfahrer – Auf- & Zustände LP by sozialistischerplattenbau

Selektor Depender & Filltercutter
Dub Caruselles – 12inch
to be released on 19th october 2012. dub caroussels comes in cooperation with amsterdams bassculture foundaition and sozialistischer plattenbau. drops a heavy dub release that sitts between roots dub and dubstep. two tracks with additional dub versions are on this 45 vinyl and been added up with some derivats of the fx sounds from the tracks. for more information: go here

SPB12022 Selektor Depender & Filltercutter – Dub Carusseles by sozialistischerplattenbau

SPB12021 Istari Lasterfahrer : Some Places


Some Places
You Are Talking To The Hand

Take This Crucial Times
I Enjoyed Myself Today To See If I Still Feel

The 1000 Schattering Trashbins of God and Prethinker and Inspirator of Breakcore is back for 2012 with this high-magnetic super Shooter. Some Places EP is a big tribute to all the places and people istari lasterfahrer went to the last decade of years. Some thoughts in accustic way about what means to have a free space, what defends this space from the outside and whats within and what happens there.

Well, you know ask: “Come on! Breakcore Sounds so 2003″ and here we say “yes!”. this records brings you on the a side premium blended mashedup jungle with happy hardcore which should throw you back to nienties. Flipside you should get you subwoofer trashed with the first short smacker while the second is a 7 minute long journey into analog modular driven dubhall low pass gate beats meet with bucket bridge divice feedback warps.

150 copies been pressed, and 100 repressed.

Ritalin War Dance

Ritalin War Dance is a Berlin based musical project between dub, drone and doom. Founded late 2010, its members Martin Maischein and Robert Schirmer mix soundscaping experiments with noise and electronic dancemusic elements, combining their different musical backgrounds from harsh d’n’b, electrofunk and experimental electronic dance music (Maischein) to noiserock/punk/noise(Schirmer) to step into a new musical area, where they could use their skills in exploring and experimenting on something new to both.

Martin Maischein previously released a number of records under various pseudonyms such as Heinrich at Hart (Position Chrome), Sandbenders (Force Inc, Science City), Goner (Gone) and more since the mid-90ies, the latest being a 7″ on Kreislauf this January while Robert Schirmer played all Europe with his bands Gentle Veincut, Stresseuche and Budyet, with releases on noiserock labels like Whosbrain Records, Gaffer Records and Looptown.


SPB12020 Ritalin War Dance / Neurosis Orchestra : The Chant / The Stash House

Ritalin War Dance – Hypertonic Solution
Ritalin War Dance – Eye Flys

Neurosis Orchestra – Lucid Dream
Neurosis Orchestra – Trap

spb12020 goes beyond the spheres of dubstep and doom. we should just call it for the hype of last year witchhall. you also might call it doomstep or darkdub. whatever. the melting experiments from berlin based projects can be discriped as doomstep. following the inversed spiral downwards the bpm race. the call is “live slow – die old”.

ritalin war dance is a Berlin based musical project between dub, drone and doom. Founded late 2010, its members Martin Maischein andRobert Schirmer mix soundscaping experiments with noise and electronic dancemusic elements, combining their different musical backgrounds from harsh d’n’b,
electrofunk and experimental electronic dance music (Maischein) to noiserock/punk/noise (Schirmer) to step into a new musical area, where they could use their skills in exploring and experimenting on something new to both.

Martin Maischein previously released a number of records under various pseudonyms such asHeinrich at Hart (Position Chrome),Sandbenders (Force Inc, Science City), Goner(Gone) and more since the mid-90ies, the latest
being a 7″ on Kreislauf this January while

Robert Schirmer played all Europe with his bands Gentle Veincut,Stresseuche andBudyet, with releases on noiserock labels like Whosbrain Records, Gaffer Records and Looptown.

Don’t call it a comeback. Berlin’s Neurosis Orchestra never disappeared. Those two tunes on their brand new Split EP connect their previous output on the WE BOMB FI DUB compilations and their NOIR DESIRE EP onSprengstoff Records.
“Lucid Dream” seduces the listener to enter a mental stage that one might never leave again. Pitched down guitar riffs meet the never ending echoes of the dark side of your soul.
The second tune “Trap” takes the mood to slightly different direction: A dark and claustrophobic adventure on 140bpm with beats resembling a narrow cave. Eerie sounds meet heavy basses and distorted, grinding synthesizers.

300 copies been pressed.

Spb12020 Ritalin War Dance / Neurosis Orchestra by sozialistischerplattenbau

SPB12020 & SPB 12021 Announcement

sozialistischer plattenbau is happy to announce following releases:

Ritalin War Dance / Neurosis Orchestra 
split ep - 12inch
Split release on Ritalin War Dance ( project by Martin Maischein and Robert Schirmer ) from berlin and Neurosis Orchestra ( the mysterie project from london – berlin ). this release will examing the fields of drone, doom and witchstep.
we call it witchhall what these slow motion robotic bands from berlin are doing for details go here.

Spb12020 Ritalin War Dance / Neurosis Orchestra by sozialistischerplattenbau

istari lasterfahrer 
some places - 12inch
the second release to come in this row in early 2012 is a ep by istari lasterfahrer. happy hardcore, jungle, breakcore and some modular synth opus for you. wanna know more? go here

Spb12021 – Istari Lasterfahrer – Some Places by sozialistischerplattenbau

Karl Marx Stadt

Karl Marx Stadt is electronic music artist Christian Gierden (b. 1978) working mostly in the field of heavy, fast & complicated but cheesy dance music. Overwhelmingly emotional melodies, radiant spacey atmospheres, intricate but strong rhythmic structures make for a rewarding listener’s experience.

After slowly stepping back from the late 90ies mostly sample based hardcore project Society Suckers, recent years have spawned a love for analogue techniques, dub and stronger emphasis on melodic elements. Live shows can be an amusing blend of hyperen ergetic Rave mixing and carefully paced Dubbing sessions incorporating circuitbending, synthesizers, childrens toys and of course, the universe.


SPB7021 Istari Lasterfahrer : Monstreous manovers in a mushroom maze


in a mushroom maze

war of the bugs

here comes the dub killer by Istari Lasterfahrer on sozialistischer plattenbau. the 7inch will be a reappropriation from the digital plane to the plane of matter in two ways. style: crucial dubby acidstep that brings together dusty computer sounds with the heat of jamaican music tradition adopted by punk in a new form of being.
first drop is by 300 copies. comes in a nice black cover with individual silvershiny bug sticker. so you get ants, beetles, worms, flees, butterflies and more.

300 copies has been pressed.

SPB12019 Karl Marx Stadt : III 1999 – 2009



sex not bombs 1.4

strange fragment
cigarette tree
disco orgel johnny
tawk is jeep

tx mania
test object 2
teee yui
sarcasm in your eyes

auf wiedersehn

The common perception of dance music seems to be leading people to the conclusion that certain forms of open interpretation are unwanted; even forbidden on the dance floor, which in fact, they are not. Actually they are to be encouraged. This album seeks to encourage, to give it a fresh start, open your mind and hear new things in new ways.

Karl Marx Stadt writing to you from the center of the universe.

Being probably bored like crazy, he asks you to join him for a ride on the spaceship. It’s actually more like a station, but it’s been moving across time and space and to the edge of the solar system a lot, so be surprised if there’s a sudden 90 degree turn or full stop before jumping into hyperdrive.

After slowly phasing out the Society Suckers project some years ago, Karl Marx Stadt

Disappeared further and further from the scene. But now he’s back! With a beautiful masterpiece of intricate detail to follow the hyper Karl Marx Stadt 1997-2004 on Lux Nigra.

Twisting hundreds of sampled into the mix, A certain unheard sonic palette emerges setting the tone for a unique record, using every technique in his vast Arsenal of Sonic weapons, showing the youngsters some new tricks and the dj’s some twists and turns. If you like to sit down at home listening to music and talking about how beautiful music can be, this is your soundtrack.

A selection of boundary-breaking electronic music has been compiled from the vault to expose the yet unheard side of Karl Marx Stadt. We hope you find it just as enjoyable and amazing as we do.
Karl Marx Stadt is electronic music artist Christian Gierden (b. 1978) working mostly in the field of heavy, fast & complicated but cheesy dance music.
Overwhelmingly emotional melodies, radiant spacey atmospheres, intricate but strong rhythmic structures make for a rewarding listener’s experience.
After slowly stepping back from the late 90ies mostly sample based hardcore project Society Suckers, recent years have spawned a love for analogue techniques, dub and stronger emphasis on melodic elements. Live shows can be an amusing blend of hyperenergetic Rave mixing and carefully paced Dubbing sessions incorporating circuitbending, synthesizers, childrens toys and of course, the universe. His new album Karl Marx Stadt III is to be released on September the 9th 2011 on Istari Lasterfahrer’s Sozialistischer Plattenbau.

300 copies been pressed.


Testcard #21, Tycho Schottelius:
“Karl Marx Stadt setzt auf Sozialistischer Plattenbau sein bei Lux Nigra begonnenes musikalisches Jahrbuch fort. So streng wie der steinbehauene Karl vom Cover blickt, klingt die Musik dabei ganz und garnicht. Fröhliche Melodien und unbekümmerte Beats machen diese eigenwillige Tanzmusik aus. Sie klingt dabei so dermassen untrendy, das man sich kaum Vorstellen kann, wie Menschen dazu im Club die Körper schütteln. Trotz der Lässigkeit ist diese Musik vor allem konstruiert. Man kann sich nicht mit ihr treiben lassen oder in ihr auflösen, sie schwillt nicht an und ebbed dann wieder ab. Sie ist eine Beschreibung von Geschichte, ein Entwurf. Somit passt Karls ernste Mime dann doch wieder, wäre da nicht dieser sorglose easylistening Ausdruck, der aber nicht verklärt, sondern ganz klar gesetzt ist, nicht in Träumereien schwelgend, sondern aus Träumen gelüftet. Geschichte wird gedacht. Ein vergangener Ort wird zum Heimstudio ohne festen Raum, kann wandern, eingepackt und woanders wider aufgebaut werden. Es gibt dabei einen genau aufgelisteten Fuhrpark. Dieser besteht nicht aus alten Musikinstrumenten der DDR, auch nicht aus wohlbekannten Techno Klassikern oder Kraut Synthesizern. Die Klänge kommen aus einer Phase der Digitalen Musikproduktionen, als diese noch gerne als Band gespeichert wurden (DAT). Die Zeit der kleinen Schwarzen LCD-Kästchen und der Personalcomputer. Geräte, die weder sexy noch funky waren, aber herausfordern konntenzwecks Beseelung des Taschenrechners. Wo es bei Society Suckers, der Vorgängerband, eher über den Weg der Zerstörung ging, wird hier das Niedliche eingeführt. Ein Hüpfen und Hoppeln mit kurzen Tastenanschlägen, Spinett-Staccato und Hiphop Beats. Gnadenloses Ja zur Melodie, keine Pads, keine Flächen, aber denoch phantastisches Losgelöst sein. Verträumte Technologie, ganz klar und diszipliniert, nie überzogen, mit einem spannendem Gefühl für Timing und dem plötzlichen Wechsel oder Abbruch.”

SPBDA002 Istari Lasterfahrer : Set to my on advices, again

1. Set to my own advices, again 01:41
2. Learn to live in the straight world 04:43
3. Rasta On Acid 05:30
4. Constraint Minds 04:12
5. Let it all Flow 04:42
6. Udeleudel 04:09
7. Marihuana Jungle 04:56
8. From Grief To Anger 04:20

Dubsteppish digital album by istari lasterfahrer. weightening between the poles of breaksstep, acid and fourfloor dub.

SPB12019 Karl Marx Stadt III

karl marx stadt: 
III 1999 – 2009 - 2x12inch
after two releases on berlins lux nigra c. gierden aka karl marx stadt is delivering a full album with 19 tracks, mostly generated with impulse tracker in 9 home studios.

The common perception of dance music seems to be leading people to the conclusion that certain forms of open interpretation are unwanted; even forbidden on the dance floor, which in fact, they are not. Actually they are to be encouraged. This album seeks to encourage, to give it a fresh start, open your mind and hear new things in new ways.


Karl Marx Stadt writing to you from the center of the universe. Being probably bored like crazy, he asks you to join him  for a ride on the spaceship. It’s actually more like a station, but it’s been moving across time and space and to the edge of the solar system a lot, so be surprised if there’s a sudden 90 degree turn or full stop before jumping into hyperdrive.


After slowly phasing out the Society Suckers project some years ago, Karl Marx Stadt Disappeared further and further from the scene. But now he’s back! With a beautiful masterpiece of intricate detail to follow the hyper Karl Marx Stadt 1997- 2004 on Lux Nigra.

Twisting hundreds of sampled into the mix, A certain unheard sonic palette emerges setting the tone for a unique record, using every technique in his vast Arsenal of Sonic weapons, showing the youngsters some new tricks and the dj’s some twists and turns.

If you like to sit down at home listening to music and talking about how beautiful music can be, this is your soundtrack. A selection of boundary-breaking electronic music has been compiled from the vault to expose the yet unheard side of Karl Marx Stadt. We hope you find it just as enjoyable and amazing as we do.

SPBCDR007 Classless Kulla & Istari Lasterfahrer : Wir hatten doch noch was vor


1 Car Accident 3:39
2 Identität 3:27
3 Was Vor (Moshstep Mix) 2:24
4 Won’t be long till jungle drum 3:27
5 Aufschneider 4:48
6 Spartacus 2:47
7 Nothing Wrong 1:51
8 Pfeffi 0:08
9 Gute Ware 3:47
10 2 many dicks 3:50
11 Besseres Leben 4:15
12 Bezugsgruppe 2:31
13 Nordkiez 0:04
14 After the eulogy 3:07
15 Prisch tursch 2:16
16 Broken (Wert und Subjektbildung) 3:18
17 Irgendwo da draußen 2:53
18 Steckengeblieben im Flu§ 2:55
19 Das Warensubjekt hat immer recht 5:19
20 The Man Who Was Addicted To The Last Time 6:46
21 No Prerogative 3:00
22 Leite meine Feier 2:12
23 Was Vor (Punk Mix) 1:59
24 Was Vor (Noise Mix) 2:28
25 Was Vor (Bleep Mix) 2:36
26 Was Vor (Jazz Mix) 2:18

second release by the duo istari lasterfahrer and classless kulla. this was a cdr with a 24 page printed full color booklet.

250 copies have been made.


Testcard #20, Hans Plesch:
“Müll runtergebracht, Wäsche gewaschen – war da noch was? – Ja, Weltraum(fahrt) und Kommunismus stehen noch auf dem Zettel der zu erledigen Dinge. Wird aber vielleicht heute nix mehr. Dafür wurden fleißig und rücksichtslos Soundschnipsel gesammelt, Gedanken zu Text gebracht, Rythmen angeworfen und überbordend Musik gemacht. Ist doch auch schon was, eine Etappe auf dem langen Marsch einer trägen Menscheit Richtung Selbstbestimmung.
Classless Kulla ist ausreichend beschäftigt als Blogger und Egotronic-Sidekick. Singen ist seine Sache nicht unbedingt. Istari Lasterfahrer betreibt das Elektro-Label mit dem schönen Namen Sozialistischer Plattenbau und verfertigt allerlei Musik zwischen elegantem Techno und harschen Breakbeats.  Diese Kollaboration gibt ihm reichlich Gelegenheit, seine verschiedenen Seiten vorzuführen. Zusammen mit den präzis verschwurbelten Früchten unangestrengten Nachdenkens seines Kollegen Kulla ergibt das wundersame Dinge, die den Begriff Song nur unzureichend erfasst. Was nicht nur am derben rythmischen Unterbau liegt. Die Identietätsvermeidung, Utopie und Buffy the Vampire Slayer bilden Eckpunkte, die gerne mal angenehm antideutsch unterlegt sind. Dann ist da noch der Kommunismus. Aber auch der wird aufgeschnitten, gewendet und der Verpflichtung uuniversaler Menscheitslösung entzogen …
Unter einer genügend weiten Auslegung des Begriffs Gesang verraten bereits Songtitel wie “das Warensubjekt hat immer rech” oder “Broken (Wert und Subjektbildung)” geziell-lässiges Bemühen um Vermeidung von Kommerzialität (Protest wird ja bekanntlich – nicht nur im Mainstream – ohnehin gefressen). Dagegen gibt es fröhliches Punkgegröl wie “Bezugsgruppen”, heimliche Hymnen und unerwartete Smashhits wie “Car Accident”: Ja dieses Album ist zweisprachig, enthält Spuren von Metalriffs und verwendet außerdem Samples von der Olsenbande!
Wäre der Begriff “intelligente Unterhaltung” nicht so öde: Hier ist er ziemlich Sicher am Platz. Wortwitzger Spaß und trashiges Geballer schieben sich in angemessenen Abständen unter ins Liedformat gebrachter Meinungen und Deinungen eines Menschen von nicht so geringen Verstand”

SPB7020 LXC – lyzerk / lyzwerk




here comes lxc from leipzig with the first big hole seven inch ever on spb. directly from the analog madness from the red room. with the acidlab bassline, vermona drm and alpha juno 2 was the birth of lyzerk, which was mutated with the help of roland 606 and sh-101 into the lyzwerk. god is alive and well in a shugarcube. this record comes pressed in neon-orange vinyl, dedicated artwork, stamped brown retro-paperbags and limited to strictly

250 copies been pressed worldwide!

SPB12018 Various Artists : We Bomb Fi Dub vol. 5

Mr. Boogie: Dirty Dub
Dipswitch: Plastic Smile

Neurosis Orchestra:
The Big English Swindle
Istari Lasterfahrer: Inner Immigration

four more tracks on the we bomb fi dub series.mr boggie delivers “dirty dub” one of his first dubstep tunes, could be like 4 years old or more? but still kicking. dipswitch from cologne drops “plastic smile” a rootsy track with wicked bass melodies and amen breakdown. flipside berlins neurosis orchestra with “the great british swindle” comes with tricky metal type breaks on drowning halfstep crunchyness and rave stabs. istari lasterfahrers track “inner imigration” goes even more doomish on the fade out floor.

320 copies been pressed.

SPB12017 Istari Lasterfahrer : the system works because me work

get slick like hardcore shit
king size dub
mad dancers make art

enjoy yourself
wanking with the darkside
jazz talks
die biene heinz

sequenced to death
think negative, act positive
from here to there
tainted breaks

till the break of dawning
bad boy come again
we are no robota

its 10th anniversity of sozialistischer plattenbau this year, so here the first real album by istari lasterfahrer, the chairmen of sozialistischer plattenbau. get crushed by his extraordinary sound with some happy hardcore inspired tracks like “get slick like hardcore shit”, “enjoy yourself”, “till the break of dawning” or his hit now first on vinyl from 2001 “bad boy come again” or some master of dubplate styled raggacore like “king size dub”, “wanking with the drakside” or “think negative, act positive” or the rest of this whacked up smacking ridiclious serious but not sober glibberish.

400 copies has been pressed.


dweller on the fringe, 1.12.2009:
“Istari Lasterfahrer has been doing his thing since the early 90′s and you can really feel the influence of that era on this, his first real full length album. Put gabber, early rave and early jungle in a blender, puree, add some guitar samples for garnishment and serve with a side of chiptune and this is what you’ll get.

There are way too many good tracks on here to do a play by play, but just know that this album is the doggie’s hangers. Amazingly, I can’t really find a track on here that I can say I don’t like, no joke. For the most part, everything on here is very mixable and on a fun, happy vibe. Favorite tracks? ‘Get Slick Like Hardcore Shit’ for it’s “All ya other DJ’s all a buncha jerks” sample fuckery. ‘MDMA’ for being possibly the best intro piece ever for a rave set, basically a ditzy girl describing her first MDMA experience with various delays and pitching effects over it. But the best track on here has got to be ‘Break Of Dawning.’ It starts with piano and the standard amens and then in comes a guitar sample that instantly reminded me of the one in Aaron Spectre’s ‘You Don’t Know.’ Then a female vocal saying something about “I’m shakin my ass till the early mornin” drops into the mix and is pitched up gradually, really driving things to a peak. All of the elements just work together perfectly and make up a track that could be weaved in and out to drive a dancefloor crazy. A real 4am kind of track.

So if you’re a fan of Istari’s past material, you’ll like this. Just think of it as the crown jewel in his catalog. And if his stuff is foreign to you but you like fun, ravey music, start here and work your way back. To put it simply, just run out and buy it!”


SPB12016 Dub 1 : Surface Noise


stand up


fullness thereof


this is the debut mini-album by dub1 from usa. he dropped one tune for the we bomb fi dub series. with this eight tracker he releases 6 dub tunes of melancholic harmonies and noised by the surface of time. two slightly distorted dub jungle tunes compliting this release which i am happy to have released.

300 copies have been pressed.

SPBCDR008 Schrankaffee : 87 – 93


1. Zeitverschwendung 00:54
2. Containerlove 01:45
3. Gehts Noch 02:03
4. ODAF 02:10
5. 10.000 Sachen 01:17
6. Schnee siegt über die Sonne 02:09
7. Ankurbeln 01:57
8. Schrankaffehymne 02:37
9. Stasi Punk 01:50
10. Wunderbaum 02:46
11. Party 05:32
12. Jungebärte 03:29
13. Klappe Zu 01:36

Label collaboration of sozialistischer plattenbau, tote medien and tim tim tonträger.

Punkband from Hamburg existing for 3 gigs. Members where: Itty auf Ex ( Itty Minchesta / AtomicTitCorporation, You Killed Me First ), Tim Tim ( Radiator 865, Java Delle, Infantillerie, Elektrisches Ich, Krawallerie ), Ernie Verflixt ( Istari Lasterfahrer, Heimatglück ) Paul Schokomöhle ( Jeniger, AtomicTitCorporation, Pencil Quincy ).

100 copies have been made.

SPB7019 Arrebite feat. Diamondog / LXC : Dubcore Vol.8


arrebite feat diamondog: gimme my microphone

lxc: microphonn dub (rmx)

“dubcore number eight is a pretty boxer, for your box. hard kicking jungle style tune by arrebitefrom brasil featuring diamondog on the microphone. flipside you find the dub version by lxc.

dweller on the fringe, 30.12.2009:
“The first thing that struck me about this record is the aggressive Diamondog vocal and how, even though I honestly can’t make out the words of most of it, the cadence and ferocity of it would have a really hyping effect on a crowd. Not a centerpiece, but a great bit for somewhere near the beginning of a set. The beats reminded me heavily of Enduser’s ‘Caustic Damage EP’, and that’s certainly a good thing. Simple but punishing. Overall, a great job integrating the vocal over a strong beat that allows it room to breathe.

LXC turns in a nice head-nodder using only a few snippets of the vocal, tons of delay and some serious BASS*. I see this version mixing well with some of the more frantic amen workouts in your crate and, on it’s own, taking the energy down a notch while still nailing people to the floor.

*Serious bass from a 7″? Believe it. This is mastered as loud as any 33 cut 12″ you’d care to put it up against.”


SPB7018 FFF : Dubcore Vol.7


your time is up

sodomize a rasta

here it flows on with the dubcore series! this time we have the king of raggacore from rotterdam, netherland. no other then the mightyfff himself! he has been legendary throu his releases on labels like mindbender, koolpop,sprengstoff recordings, clash records, ketacore and planet mu (just to name some that pop spontanious in my mind, cuase his breaks abuse record may be much longer). this little pearl lets you a) drop down hard in happycore and b) freak-on to maximum raggacore. enjoy!


dweller on the fringe, 1.12.2009:
“I’ve been following FFF closely since the first time I heard his Clash 7″ and he’s really a chameleon of sorts, having done many different styles and done them well. But this one is the kind of sound I tend to associate with him. That being breakcore and jungle with extreme ragga and rave influences. Not a hint of irony in sight, just ‘Ardkore brought into the 21st century and given steroids. This is his sound. The only record in recent memory that I think I could possibly mistake for an FFF production would be Pisstank’s “Ravecore Anthems.”

On this yellow 7″ you get one track more on the ragga side and one that is ravecore to the bone. “Sodomize A Rasta” is the faster of the two and utilizes hoovers, insanely chopped breaks and some of the same samples used in his “Punisher” track last year. But there is also some seriousness in it, as he drops a sample addressing the homophobic language and attitudes that pervade Jamaican dancehall culture and, by extension, much of the ragga jungle that samples from it. “Your Time Is Up” is centered around a great pitched up female vocal but also utilizes acidic elements and a piano line. A little less frantic and chopped, this is the more dancefloor friendly of the two tracks. The A-side is like a hammer to the face and the B-side more like a rubber mallet.

This is fast becoming one of my favorite FFF records, and that’s saying quite a bit when you look at his extensive back catalogue. These tracks are a little more out there than, say, his Planet Mu record and that suits me just fine. If you want ravecore that isn’t the butt of it’s own joke, track this one down.”


SPB12015 Various Artists : We Bomb Fi Dub Vol.4

Phokus + The Next: Smoke Ganja

Wadadda: Gimmie Gimmie

Mr. Boogie: Ghostship

Istari Lasterfahrer : Agonie

the 4th installment of the We Bomb Fi Dubseries drops it for the smoker crew on the a-side with a heavy stepper tune by the next together with phokus and a more meditation dub tune bywadadda. on the flipside it goes down into darkness with first time on spb mr.boogie from potsdam with his great ghostship tune. at least on the record is istari lasterfahrer with depression stepping tune agonie.

400 copies have been pressed.

SPBCD01 Classless Kulla & Istari Lasterfahrer : Nein, Nein das ist nicht der Kommunismus


1 Am Straßenrand der Gesellschaft
2 Uplifting Hardcore Communism
3 Ballade von Manfred
4 Erleuchtung & Berufung
5 Was wird
6 Flucht aus dem Plattenbau
7 Sexist Motherfucker – feat. Oona
8 Buffy The Slayer & The Angel of Death
9 Mass History
10 D-I-S-C-O
11 Communism Stole My Virginity (and I won’t shed a tear)
12 Der Rausch
13 Germany Might Trick Me Once
14 Jede Zelle
15 Dresden Calling
16 Dumme Dinge
17 Shenai Crumbling The Concrete
18 Der Takt des Geldes
19 Kontrollverlustprinzip

First release by classless kulla ( words and vocals ) and istari lasterfahrer ( digital audio data arrangements ).

1000 copies have been made.


Deutschland Welle Welt, 27.07.2009, Андрей Горохов:
“Компакт-диск выглядит устрашающе: на обложке черные силуэты Ленина, Сталина и Мао, их глаза закрывают красные полоски. Кто-то невидимый, находящийся за кадром, говорит: “Нет, нет, это не коммунизм!” Это и есть название альбома. Не на обложке, а на самом диске видно, что эту фразу произносит красноголовый, держащий в вытянутой руке желтое яблоко Карл Маркс.

Постарался писатель, блогер, рэппер Classless Kulla (“Бесклассовый классный”), музыкальное сопровождение обеспечил Istari Lasterfahrer (Истари – водитель грузовика), он же и издал диск на своем лейбле Sozialistische Plattenbau (Социалистическое блочное строительство). Песенки называются “Поднимающий дух хардкор коммунизма”, “Просветление и призвание”, “Коммунизм лишил меня невинности” и “Принцип потери контроля”. 

Поездка на грузовике

В первой песенке, которая идет более семи минут, лирический герой стоит на краю автострады и пытается остановить проезжающие автомобили, но никто не останавливается и не берет его с собой. Он размышляет о том, что это за водители, как они выглядят? Откуда и куда они едут, что у них в машине? А на заднем сиденье? Лирический герой приходит к выводу, что он предпочел бы, чтобы бы его подобрала машина совсем без водителя.

Тут подъезжает грузовик и забирает автостопщика. После недлинной интерлюдии заводится рассказ о том, как надо понимать символ водителя грузовика. В буклете присутствует картинка. В ней увязаны звезда Давида, треугольник, змея, кусающая свой хвост, яблоко, улыбка чеширского кота, молоток и морковка. Долго-долго идет полуироничный рассказ о том, что это все могло бы значить.

Конечно, альбом как путешествие, как поездка – это хорошо известный ход, но когда его применяют в лоб, он протеста не вызывает. Музыкант-шофер подбирает с края дороги радикального поэта и идеолога, и они едут вместе, поэт едет на музыке шофера.

НерэпТо, как Classless Kulla произносит свой текст, рэпом, конечно, назвать трудно. Нет специфической для рэпа смачности, вязкости, жирности, нет мачо-драйва. Зато есть многочисленные, вполне кустарные попытки говорить в разных стилях, на разной скорости, с разной выразительностью, как если бы ботаник решил стать рэппером. А ты слушаешь и не можешь догадаться: то ли он валяет дурака, то ли серьезен? Разве он не видит, что не тянет, что он не настоящий, не real? Или как раз настоящий, живой, реальный человек, который не должен тянуть широкоэкранщину и голливудщину самовлюбленной поп-музыки? И в этом дилетантизме, в неформатности, в желании сесть на все стулья сразу и с них свалиться и состоит шарм Classless Kulla.Продюсер Istari Lasterfahrer – известная фигура немецкого брейккор-андеграунда, для этого проекта он не стал особенно сильно закручивать гайку: грохота, шума, сверхбыстрой молотилки тут нет. Музыка звучит легко, джазовато и вполне разнообразно, меняя свой стиль от трека к треку. И сильно действуя на нервы своей всеядностью и разнообразием.Дело в том, что брейккор, с одной стороны, впитал в себя много разных музык. Брейккор – это фарш ритма и баса. В брейккоре все возможно. Но, с другой стороны, компоненты брейккора моментально узнаваемы. Брейккор консервативен, на любой вопрос у него один и тот же ответ: спотыкающийся ритм, браза! И полистилистика – когда после регги сразу идет полечка, а потом панк-аккорды – кажется навязшей на зубах и засевшей в ушах.

Cut up

И хочется возопить: ну, как же можно быть таким бесчувственным и не слышать, что тексты и манера Classless Kulla требуют совсем другой музыки, совсем другого отношения к музыке! Когда музыка расправляет свои плечи, все обаяние коммунистической пропаганды Classless Kulla пропадает.

Однако взгляд на блог Classless Kulla говорит: он сам этого хотел! В качестве эстетической программы приведено несколько цитат из книг философа Теодора Адорно (Theodor Adorno), речь там идет о том, что связность, выстроенность и скомпонованность – это средства мелкобуржуазного искусства, авангардист, то есть политически сознательный впередсмотрящий, применяет технологию cut up, то есть выстраивает произведение искусства из бессвязных фрагментов, не думая о гармонизации и целостности.

Следуя этому принципу, Classless Kulla призывает широкие трудящиеся массы делать ремиксы его текстов, что-то добавлять, что-то выкидывать. Казалось бы, вот она, утопия коллективного творческого труда в действии!

Но нет, в том же блоге видно, что его автору приходится долго объяснять, что в той или иной своей фразе он вовсе не собирался издеваться над идеей коммунизма или издеваться над музыкой регги и не усомнился в механизме капиталистической эксплуатации. Иными словами, более-менее свободное манипулирование с ошметками текста (добавлю от себя – вполне невинное и прозрачное) сразу приводит к замутнению партийной линии. И автор превращается в контрреволюционера и “пособника” медиа-глобализма.”


SPB7017 Handbag/abba : First Blood

baby elephant warpath


another message from handbag/abbasbreakcore-past. a 45 with tracks which were produced quick, unwary and many years ago. two washed-out raggapellas blended with two not so over-used “instrumentals”: henry mancinis “baby elephant walk” gives sense to elephant mans “haters want war” and the infamous “mah na mah na” starts a tune which gives the listener a bouquet of reasons for being a bad guy. even the cover-artwork and the liner-notes by art-historian john berger take up the cudgels for hanging loose with physical narcolepsis caused by all kinds of badman-isms. good that the wimpy stone roses wave this attitude goodbye and we can go back to business as usual after the slowed up record stopped playing! the beginning is the end: first blood is.

180 copies have been made, due to a breakdown of the stampers.


De-Bug, 3.11.2008, Multipara:
“Ob als Acidboychair oder Handbag/abba, reine Affirmation ist vom Meister der Falltüren nicht zu bekommen. Schon gar nicht, wenn es um die Breakcore-Szene geht und deren Art, sich im Umgang mit homophoben (u.a.) Raggalyricsamples zu verrenken. Hier wird der Knoten einfach durchgehauen. Halali-Mancini und Muppet-Moroder pflanzen gehörig Kakao in den Dschungel, und dann heißt es durchziehen für die Rambos mit den Ganja-Gurten, aber anders…! Bonus-Hilfestellung gibt das Artwork mit einem Schwenk zum Kunsthistoriker John Berger, das die Sublimiererschwadrone mit den Füßen voran auf den Boden stellt. Nicht dass wir uns missverstehen: Diese wichtige 7″ funktioniert grade deshalb, weil sie sich ins entsprechende Set nahtlos einfügt, in der Tat findet sie die perfekte Balance: Geh ab – aber steig mir nicht auf den Fuß dabei! Aber geh ab!… Einzig: Die zwei Tracks hätten schon vor Jahren ihren Weg auf Vinyl finden müssen und können. Mr. B. mit “Ways of Hearing”: Wenn es ihn nicht gibt, muss man ihn erfinden.”

SPB12014 Bruno & Michel Are Smiling / Skipperrr : C´Mon!

1. the red-haired man

2. such is live in the tropics

3. i´m gonna live till i die

4. wedding night
5. ring a ring o ’rosis
6. bombardment of lipgloss

1. GERMLIN remix
2. DJ SCOTCH EGG remix
(Puked Full Of Rosies)

the long awaited mini-lp by hamburgs best overdressed popgrind-harshswing duo now finaly released by sozialistischer plattenbau. bruno and michel are smiling and skipperrr back with six tracks of their own super-music and on the flipside remixes by germlin, dj scotch egg,istari lasterfahrer and mense reents.

400 copies have been pressed.

SPB12013 Toy Boy : Quick & Dirty Vol.1

but i think it`s only lust

and fire like that

never be the same


sozialistischer plattenbau drops the debut bytoy boy, the cute guy from next door you never ever had the strength to bag for a sandwich. dropping on 45 rpm four tracks of high infectous blends of bassline house, uk oldskool hardcore, 4×4 dubstep and a fist full of whatever.

300 copies have been pressed.